Sand Tray Therapy for Adults and Children

Pictured above is a sand tray, used with figurines to create metaphorical images of whatever you wish to focus on: relationships, problems, parts of yourself, etc. Working with these tangible objects can provide clarity about how you feel, what is happening in your life, and how best to approach a problem. You can tell your therapist as much or as little as you like about the sand tray worlds you create. You can speak to the images in your sand tray, using Gestalt techniques, and use the insights you gain to change your life. Sand tray is an amazing medium for working out issues such as trauma, grief, or negative relationships. Sand tray work unlocks the unconscious, and takes you to the parts of yourself that need healing.
Sand tray therapy is not just for children, as some may assume! It is a clinically tested and effective modality of therapy for adults as well! Using figurines as metaphors can be a “shorthand” to access deep feelings. Sand tray for adults with trauma is particularly effective. This is my preferred modality for either providing or receiving therapy.